This service aims to provide training and guidance on the writing of CAR reports to MIN teachers in Palembang City and to publish articles on the results of reports and CAR CAR articles throughout Palembang City with seminars on CAR reports. Research methods with PAR (Participatory Action Research). The result of this service is that the training was held twice in two madrasas. Presenters in th…
The purpose of this research is to find a model that is loaded in multimedia development to acquire skills of reading and reciting the prayer movement, describes the reading ability of students to recite prayers by using multimedia, describing the student's ability to practice the prayer movement by using multimedia in teaching “fiqih” the lesson is about Islamic Laws in accordance with the…
Educated unemployment” is a negative term juxtaposed for college graduates (PT). This is certainly an irony for every PT graduate, because of limited employment. This article aims to study edupeneurship developed by the Study Programme of Islamic Elementary School at Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, as an alternative solution to unemployment problems. The formulation of the problem in…
This research aims to find out the difficulties of students in learning subject of arithmetic operations in class VB of Ibtidaiyah Munawariyah Palembang, to see the factors that caused the difficulties of students when studying mathematics in the VB class of Palembang Ibtidaiyah Munawariyah, and also for knowing the efforts made by the mathematics teacher in overcoming the difficulties of stude…
The classroom teacher's professional duties are to educate, guide, teach, train, direct, judge and preserve. The problem is that many teachers are not professional in performing their duties has become a professional certificate, therefore the purpose of this study is the task of professional executive class teachers at the primary education education in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang dan Bek…
The quality of primary education in Indonesia in the last two decades has not changed much. One of the reasons for this condition is that learning at the elementary school/ madrasah level of madrasah has not yet developed high-level thinking skills. Therefore, starting in 2013, the government changed the primary education curriculum by presenting the 2013 curriculum. One of the substantial…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS) terhadap hasil belajar siswa di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Se Kecamatan Harjamukti Kota Cirebon. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dalam…