In Arabic learning, al-Ashwat plays an essential role because al-Ashwat or phonetic is a crucial element in every language. If al-Ashwat is not well understood, Arabic proficiency cannot be mastered perfectly. Often there will be a lack of understanding in the language process. So that the communication process will also be hampered. Learning methods are a way or means to present subject matter…
The issue of gender responsiveness become a subject of study that is widely discussed. Discourse about equality of men and women reap many pros and cons from various circles, as the result of social construction differences that affect the perspective of mindset. This article intends to describe the gender responsive value contained in the material of Arabic language learning. Where the materia…
Bahasa merupakan ciri utama yang membedakan manusia dengan makhluk lainnya, dengan bahasa manusia berinteraksi dan berkomunikasi. Salah satu teori pemerolehan dan pembelajaran bahasa yang berkenaan bahasa sebagai ciri bawaan manusia adalah teori transformatif generatifnya Noam Chomsky yang menyatakan bahwa bahasa merupakan potensi bawaan yang dimiliki manusia sejak lahir. Berdasarkan teori te…