Aesthetics that studies beauty will decrease in value if it is associated with sensual or worldly pleasures. Conversely, if aesthetics are associated with morals and religion, the value will be even higher. We can find this aesthetic value in works of art such as Arabic literary. Arabic literary that contain the essence of beauty are prose or poetry that is able to invite the reader to draw clo…
The aim of this study was to determine the process of learning speaking skills in this program and its efforts in developing speaking skills. In this study, the authors used descriptive qualitative research methods, with historical, methodological, and opinion approaches. The results showed that speaking skills in the Ma’had Aliy As'adiyah Sengkang-South Sulawesi Program were related to the u…
This study aimed at revealing the needs of Egyptian people after the 2011 revolution and how they could meet their needs amidst increasingly difficult economic conditions. This was literary study by analyzing Arabic literary works. It used Abraham Harold Maslow's humanistic psychology theory which holds that human needs are described in a hierarchy. To meet the needs at the top level, the needs…
The purpose of this research was to know the enhancement of learning results of Arabic grammar by using the Teams Games Tournament method in 10th grade at Home Schooling Sya'airullah Bekasi. The method used was the classroom action research with the study the student of Home Schooling Sya’airullah Bekasi 10th grade which amounted to 40 students as the sample. The research was conducted at…
This study aimed at developing a science-based Arabic language learning media based on Android mobile. The research method used was Research and Development. Validators included material and media experts, and practitioners. The testing phase included: limited phase I, II, and field trials. The subjects of the trial were students of the Department of Tadris IPA IAIN Salatiga. The data were obta…
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the teaching and learning program for Arabic language at Integrated Islamic Junior High School of Nurul Islam Tengaran, based on the quality of lesson planning, the process of teaching and learning activities and the assessment of Arabic lesson. This was an evaluation research by using Countenance Stake model, with descriptive quantitative approach. …
The purpose of this research was to develope a special dictionary based on Android mobile applications or m-Dictionary of Research Terms in Arabic. The type of this research was research and development (R & D). The data were obtained through non-tests, namely questionnaires for student needs, questionnaires for expert validation tests, and interviews. The conclusion that can be taken from this…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pendekatan fonetik, pendekatan kontrastif, dan pendekatan komunikatif dalam mengajar membaca Alquran bagi muslim Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan kepustakaan untuk mengungkap pengajaran membaca Alquran dengan pendekatan fonetik, kontrastif, dan komunikatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengajaran memb…
Nabi Muhammad saw memiliki banyak nama. Dan nama-nama tersebut banyak tertera dalam kitab-kitab terdahulu yang dikarang oleh para ulama. Baik itu kitab tentang sejarah nabi, kitab tentang hadist nabi, maupun dalam kitab al-Qur’an. ‘Athif Qosim al-Maliji dalam kitab karangannya “Asma’ Nabi Fii al-Qur’an wa as-Sunnah”, memaparkan nama-nama nabi itu adalah muhammad, ahmad, ‘abdullah,…
Language is currently experiencing very rapid development, this has led to the birth of many new terms in the western world that effect between one language with another language, one of which is Arabic. One of the cuases of the birth of a new term because of the development of the science, technology and other sciences. So that arises the phenomenon of arabization or so-called ta’rib makin…