Character building is one of the goals of National Education, of course, it has become an obligation for every educational institution to become the main pioneer in habituating characters to students, as the primary education level, of course, the Islamic Elementary School gets the largest portion for the development of children's characteristics at an early age. This study entitled: Comparat…
This service aims to provide training and guidance on the writing of CAR reports to MIN teachers in Palembang City and to publish articles on the results of reports and CAR CAR articles throughout Palembang City with seminars on CAR reports. Research methods with PAR (Participatory Action Research). The result of this service is that the training was held twice in two madrasas. Presenters in th…
Educated unemployment” is a negative term juxtaposed for college graduates (PT). This is certainly an irony for every PT graduate, because of limited employment. This article aims to study edupeneurship developed by the Study Programme of Islamic Elementary School at Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, as an alternative solution to unemployment problems. The formulation of the problem in…
This study aims to determine the effect of the application of studio video ulead application on the learning motivation of fourth grade students in the subjects of Islamic Culture History in Palembang MI Munawariyah. From these findings it can be described the results of the pretest of students who get the highest score are 7 students (24%), who get a moderate score of 10 students (34%) and who…
Prinsip perbankan syariah merupakan bagian dari keseluruhan ajaran Islam, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan ekonomi dan muamalah. Pemenuhan prinsip syariat Islam merupakan hal utama yang harus dipenuhi dalam transaksi perbankan syariah. Perbankan syariah secara fungsi sama dengan perbankan konvensional, yaitu sebagai lembaga perantara antara pihak yang surplus dana kepada pihak yang mengalami kek…
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cooperative learning strategies of rotating trio exchange type learning on mathematics learning achievement of MTs students. This type of research is quasi-experimental, the sampling technique used was purposive sampling consisting of class VIIIb 27 students as the experimental class and class VIIIc 27 students as the control class. While…
إن المحدثين من النقاد العرب، قد نظروا إلى البلاغة العربية، باعتبار علومها (المعاني والبيان والبديع)، وحدة واحدة، وأطلقوا عليها اسم علم البيان وكذلك فعل بعض القدامي. ثم إن بعض المحدثين من النقاد العرب، قد نظروا نظرة موح…