This study aimed to discuss the names of judgment day in the Qur'an through cognitive semantic approach and the values of spiritual education. Through the cognitive semantic approach, the conception of meaning to describe the judgment day in the Qur’an was formulated by mapping the meaning resulted from the source domain (Sd) to target domain (Sd). To show and compare references in (Sd) to (T…
This study aimed to investigatet the meaning, concept and development of globalization in term of the cultural aspect, relevant to Arabic Language. It also examined how globalization, as a western product, affected in spreading of Arabic Language in the world. Moreover, it explored that by it, nowadays, how many users are benefited as well as other language throughout the world. It also investi…
This article aimed to discuss the theory of mudzakkar and muannats in Arabic. The classification of mudzakkar and muannats is found in most languages, not only in the Smith-Hmit languages family, but also in the Indo-European languages with varying quality and quantity. This linguistic phenomenon is very powerful and is one of the characteristics of the Arabic language. The most popular theory …
This research aimed to find an increase in class interaction using the technique Numbered Head Together (NHT) on learning vocabulary. This type of research was a classroom action research by combining classroom interaction categorization according to Flander as an indicator of improvement. The object of this research was the 7th grade students of MTs Al-ihsan Pamulang academic year 2016-2017. P…
This study aimed to analyse the students’ reading ability and to analyse the effectiveness of Arabic game in improving reading ability among the students of Arabic Language Education Department FBS UNM. It employed quasi-experimental method with pre-test and post-test non-equivalent control group design. The results of SPSS analysis showed that the use of Arabic game media was not effective i…
Tulisan ini bertujuan: 1) Untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana penanganan perempuan korban kekerasan seksual di PPT Seruni Kota Semarang; 2) Untuk menganalisa bagaimana penanganan perempuan korban kekerasan seksual di PPT Seruni Kota Semarang ditinjau dari perspektif bimbingan konseling Islam dengan fokus penelitian pada penanganan perempuan korban kekerasan seksual. Sumber data dalam pene…
Kekerasan terhadap perempuan (istri) yang terjadi di lingkungan keluarga tidak terlepas dari adanya ketimpangan gender yang menjadi salah satu sebab terjadinya KDRT. Di Jawa Tengah, salah satu lembaga yang memiliki konsen dalam penanganan kasus KDRT adalah LRC KJHAM. Pelayanan bimbingan konseling individu dan support group bagi korban KDRT yang diberikan oleh LRC-KJHAM bersifat integral dan men…
Kedisiplinan dan kenakalan remaja itu memang ada keterkaitan yang erat. Banyak yang membuktikan hal itu melalui berbagai penelitian yang telah disebutkan dalam pembahasan di atas. Dalam hal ini, kedisiplinan itu berkorelasi terbalik dengan kenakalan remaja. Artinya, jika seorang remaja itu disiplin dan menerapkan kedisiplinan tersebut di dalam berbagai aspek kehidupannya, maka remaja tersebut a…
Islam is a perfect religion. A religion which is always honor a woman. In Islam there is no prohibition of a woman to work for a living, as long as follow the terms and conditions according to Islam. Ustad Felix Siauw once twote some statement which was associated with working mothers in his Twitter on 28 May 2013. The amount of the tweet is 25, but the spotlight later evolved into the conversa…
Saturated feeling often experienced by man as an individual. Attitude saturation on this individual, addressed with a mixed response. Not a few people who stuck with the feeling of saturation that result in actions that might be considered negative because it harms him, one of them housewives. Feeling tired or bored of the routines performed by housewives if not addressed will result in stress …