4.0 era is characterized by the use of massive and critical technology. Almost everyone has smartphone with 4G internet connection for communication and having information around the world rapidly. Students also get the advantage to do their assignment, get more interactive media for learning, or just for fun in social media. However, negative impact cannot be avoided if the students do not und…
In an age of industrial and technological advancements, there are still people who believe in the myth of the prohibition of marriage between the Gomino and Cruman lineages. This myth originated from the battle between troops led by Sindo Joyo and soldiers led by Kidang Palih. Kidang Palih was killed by Sindo Joyo in that battle. Then this myth emerged. This study was analyzed with the structur…
This literature study aims to explain the prophetical dimension in Khotbah di Atas Bukit novel by Kuntowijoyo. The results of the study found that there is a humanization dimension of the Khotbah di Atas Bukit novel which includes strengthening in assertiveness, a sense of social solidarity, and personality. The dimensions of the liberation of novels on the Khotbah di Atas Bukit novel found inc…
Dalam ekonomi kapitalis, kebutuhan dan keinginan tidak dipisahkan. Kebutuhan adalah keinginan, sedangkankeinginan adalah kebutuhan. berbeda dengan ekonomi Islam, kebutuhan dan keinginan berbeda. Tujuannya adalah manusia tidak terjebak dalam upaya mengumpulkan dan bergelimpangan harta secara berlebihan. Kebutuhan harus dipenuhi agar manusia dapat beribadah kepada Allah. Perbedaan antara ekonomi …