Bahasa Indonesia merupakan mata kuliah wajib pada setiap universitas di Indonesia. Bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam berbahasa Indonesia baik tulisan maupun lisan. Pada masa perkuliahan tentunya mahasiswa tidak terlepas dari berbagai kegiatan tulis menulis dan presentasi di depan umum. Sejalan dengan ilmu pengetahuan, kebutuhan masyarakat dan kebijakan pemerintah, Bahasa I…
Sejak diturunkan Al-Quran belasan abad yang lalu, ia menjadi sumber inspirasi bagi umat Islam di di seluruh aspek kehidupan. Penggalian makna Al-Quran yang kemudian membawa umat Islam menjelma menjadi dominasi baru di dunia selama berabad-abad, mentransformasikan peradaban yang ada menjadi peradaban baru dan lebih maju, mengembangkan pengetahuan hingga kelevel tertinggi pada zaman itu dan menin…
Studying in religious institutions is inseparable from the kitab turats, so the ability to read it well is a must for students. This study aims to describe the process of applying the Miftahul Ulum method in Ma'had An-Nur 2 Al-Murtadho and supporting factors in the learning process using the method. This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive approach. Observation, interviews, an…
This study aims to reveal descriptively about the use of learning methods in improving students' learning motivation in Mas Bahrul Hikmah Konawe North Sultra to find out what methods are applied during the learning process at Mas Bahrul Hikmah Konawe Utara and to find out how the motivation of student learning Mas Bahrul Hikmah Konawe North. The method used in this research is descriptive quali…
Pada 1901, Guglielmo Marconi menandai era baru teknologi media penyiaran berkat keberhasilannya mengirim telegraf dengan menggunakan gelombang elektromagnetik menyabrangi Samudra Atlantik. Penemuan teknologi baru ini segera membawa kemajuan signifikan pada siaran radio yang semula hanya dinikmati di kalangan atas secara terbatas, menjadi produk teknologi massal, seiring kemajuan dan semakin mur…
This study aimed at revealing the needs of Egyptian people after the 2011 revolution and how they could meet their needs amidst increasingly difficult economic conditions. This was literary study by analyzing Arabic literary works. It used Abraham Harold Maslow's humanistic psychology theory which holds that human needs are described in a hierarchy. To meet the needs at the top level, the needs…
This study aimed at developing a science-based Arabic language learning media based on Android mobile. The research method used was Research and Development. Validators included material and media experts, and practitioners. The testing phase included: limited phase I, II, and field trials. The subjects of the trial were students of the Department of Tadris IPA IAIN Salatiga. The data were obta…