Character building is one of the goals of National Education, of course, it has become an obligation for every educational institution to become the main pioneer in habituating characters to students, as the primary education level, of course, the Islamic Elementary School gets the largest portion for the development of children's characteristics at an early age. This study entitled: Comparat…
As for the background, researchers took this problem because according to researchers that reading is an important aspect of the learning process, especially on the basis for continuing to the next level. The results of this study indicate that. (1) the ability of students to learn to read in class I MIN 1 Ogan Ilir varies in each class but has similarities that are almost the same seen from th…
In Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 concerning National Education Standards the government formulates Standard standards in the formulation of National Education Standards to improve the quality of education as well as efforts to achieve national education goals in accordance with content standards, process standards, competition standards, educator standards and education staff , standards…
This research aims to find out the difficulties of students in learning subject of arithmetic operations in class VB of Ibtidaiyah Munawariyah Palembang, to see the factors that caused the difficulties of students when studying mathematics in the VB class of Palembang Ibtidaiyah Munawariyah, and also for knowing the efforts made by the mathematics teacher in overcoming the difficulties of stude…
Buku ini diharapkan menjadi dongkrak kualitas pendidikan yang kondisinya semakin megkhawatirkan. Kurikulum ini dibuat oleh guru di setiap satuan pendidikan untuk menggerakkan mesin utama pendidikan, yakni pembelajaran. Dengan demikian, kurikulum ini dapat lebih disesuaikan dengan kondisi di setiap daerah bersangkutan serta memungkinkan untuk memperbesar porsi muatan lokal. Dengan acuan itu seti…