This paper aims to explore the speech acts and the modesty of the language politeness principles by Ali bin Abi Thalib in his letters to Muawiyah. In addition, to find out the meaning of using politeness in various speech acts in Ali bin Abi Thalib's letters to Muawiyah, The researcher used speech act theory (Searle) and politeness maxim that was formulated by Leech as the main analysis in this…
This Study aims to describe the drama method as one of the methods that is assumed to be able to overcome the problems that have often been faced by students of Pontianak IAIN FTIK, such as shame, fear of speaking wrong and lack of confidence. This research uses mixed methods by using data collection instruments such as observation guidelines, test, interview guidelines, documentation, and non-…
This study aims to explain the drill pattern technique as an old historical technique that still exists and used by foreign language teachers to date. This technique is in fact used as the effective main technique of audio-lingual approach and its variants in learning a foreign language. This research is a qualitative research because it does not touch on the results of nouns or quantity va…
This study aims to identify items of character values and methods of their internalization in learning ‘ilm al-ashwat in the Arabic Education Department of UNSIQ Wonosobo. It is a qualitative-descriptive study where data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation from the lecturer of ‘ilm al-ashwat, lecturer of character education, head of sub-section of aca…
Dalam proses pendidikan, kurikulum menjadi seperti petunjuk arah dalam membimbing siswa agar tercapai tujuan yang diharapkan. Kurikulum yang baik adalah yang selalu dievaluasi dan diperbaiki mengikuti perkembanga zaman, sehingga peserta didik bisa menyerap pengetahuan yang disesuaikan dengan perkembangan zaman. Kurikulum sebaiknya ada di setiap jenjang pendidikan, tak terkecuali PAUD. Namun saa…
Banyak orang yang ingin mendapatkan jalan yang diberi nikmat Allah. Orang yang istimewa yang diberi jalan lurus itu adalah para nabi, syuhada, orang yang selalu berbuat benar dan kaum yang berbuat kebaikan. Banyak orang yang berharap untuk menjadi bagian dari orang istimewa tersebut. Itulah sebabnya kalimat ihdina ash-shirath al mustaqim selalu dibaca, bahkan berkali-kali dalam sehari. Perlu il…