Studying in religious institutions is inseparable from the kitab turats, so the ability to read it well is a must for students. This study aims to describe the process of applying the Miftahul Ulum method in Ma'had An-Nur 2 Al-Murtadho and supporting factors in the learning process using the method. This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive approach. Observation, interviews, an…
This study aims to determine the strategies used by superior students and less superior students and then the similarities and differences between each group of students in the use of strategies. This research uses a qualitative descriptive field approach. Data collection method is based on (1) authentication method (2) questionnaire method (3) interview method. Data analysis for this study was…
Zakat menjadi salah satu piranti ekonomi syariah, karena ekonomi syariah berdiri di atas tiga piranti utama yaitu sektor riil, keuangan dan filantropi. Yang menjadi tulang punggung filantropi adalah zakat. Karena itu, zakat bisa ditegakkan, dipraktikkan dengan optimal sesuai amanah Al-Quran, maka aspek sosial umat ini bisa ditunaikan dengan optimal karena penyangga utamanya yaitu zakat diterapk…
Learning to read the text of the Qur'an and hadith at the initial level is to sound the letters of the Qur'an and the hadith itself. Learning to read the Qur'an means learning to pronounce written symbols (letters). The Qur'an and hadith are revealed in Arabic and become a foreign language in learning. Especially in reading the Qur'an, Allah has set rules in reading the Qur'an such as laws and …
This study aims to reveal descriptively about the use of learning methods in improving students' learning motivation in Mas Bahrul Hikmah Konawe North Sultra to find out what methods are applied during the learning process at Mas Bahrul Hikmah Konawe Utara and to find out how the motivation of student learning Mas Bahrul Hikmah Konawe North. The method used in this research is descriptive quali…
Penelitian ini memadukan antara ilmu leksikologi dan komputasi, bertujuan untuk merancang aplikasi kamus digital Linguistik-Arab. Ada dua target yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini yaitu; (1) artikel dari penelitian ini akan dimuat di jurnal nasional terakreditasi dan (2) menghasilkan sebuah produk berupa kamus digital Liguistik-Arab. Penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memberikan solusi atas ke…
Sekarang, perkembangan kajian media-komunikasi di perguruan tinggi pun menunjukkan penambahan objek materi kajian. Teknologi komunikasi dan internet tidak lagi sekedar subbab atau bagian dari pokok bahasan, namun juga telah berubah menjadi kajian yang mandiri, mata kuliah baru, dan objek riset yang memiliki keunikan. Topik utama buku ini antara lain membahas teori dan definisi cybermedia, impli…
In an age of industrial and technological advancements, there are still people who believe in the myth of the prohibition of marriage between the Gomino and Cruman lineages. This myth originated from the battle between troops led by Sindo Joyo and soldiers led by Kidang Palih. Kidang Palih was killed by Sindo Joyo in that battle. Then this myth emerged. This study was analyzed with the structur…
This literature study aims to explain the prophetical dimension in Khotbah di Atas Bukit novel by Kuntowijoyo. The results of the study found that there is a humanization dimension of the Khotbah di Atas Bukit novel which includes strengthening in assertiveness, a sense of social solidarity, and personality. The dimensions of the liberation of novels on the Khotbah di Atas Bukit novel found inc…
Patologi sosial adalah semua tingkah laku yang bertentangan dengan norma kebaikan, stabilitas lokal, pola kesederhanaan, moral, hak milik, solidaritas keluarga, hidup rukun bertetangga, disiplin, kebaikan dan hukum formal. Menurut teori patologi, masyarakat selalu dalam keadaan sakit atau masyarakat yang tidak berfungsi secara sebagian atau keseluruhan. Masyarakat dapat dikatakan sehat jika sel…