Artikel ini membahas tentang model pembelajaran bahasa Arab, yang difokuskan pada materi al-Qawa’id al-Nahwiyyah. Sebagian besar pembelajar berasumsi belajar bahasa Arab itu dipandang sulit dan rumit, oleh karena itu artikel ini menawarkan model pembelajaran al-Qawa’id al-Nahwiyyah yang mudah dan sederhana untuk dipahami para pembelajar. Pembaca bisa memperoleh informasi tentang berbaga…
In reality, not a few teachers who have been certified as educators are less competent in teaching the field of study. Many teachers are also able to master the subject matter, but they have difficult to present the material. This research applied a qualitative method using a case study design. It was carried out in the State Madrasah schools of Salahutu District, Central Maluku Regency. This…
This study aimed to: 1) describe the conditions of Arabic learning in the State Islamic university of North Sumatra (UIN SU) Medan; 2) develop the Arabic language learning model based on constructivism theory; and 3) know the level of validation of the Arabic language learning model based on constructivism theory. This research applied Research and Development (R & D) method with Four Ds model …
This study aimed to determine the planning of character education integration in Arabic learning, the implementation of the integration and the implications of character education on the students’ character in Muhammadiyah Middle School 10 Yogyakarta. This was a qualitative research. Data were collected by observation, interviews and documentation. Data was analyzed using qualitative descript…
Pendidikan moral harus dilakukan sejak dini. Sehingga saat dewasa, seorang anak akan menjadi pribadi yang berakhlaqul karimah. Banyak masalah yang muncul di wilayah anak. Yaitu tidak memanfaatkan waktu senggang untuk membentuk psikis ataupun psikis, dan pengaruh menonton film sadis-porno baik dilakukan secara langsung maupun tidak. Salah satu pemikir pendidikan Islam yang pernah membahas ters…
Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan memiliki pengertian yang sama yakni keduanya mengalami perubahan, tetapi secara khusus istilah pertumbuhan berbeda dengan perkembangan. Pertumbuhan (growth) adalah perubahan-perubahan biologis, anatomis dan fisiologis manusia, sedangkan perkembangan(development)adalah perubahan-perubahan psikis dan motorik manusia. Pembelajaran tematik terpadu merupakan pembelajar…
Physical and psychological changes cause problems for pregnant women such as: lack of confidence, dependence on partner, even worried and anxious. To reduce the anxiety, women need assistance through the process of Islamic guidance and counseling services. It is an effort to help individual overcome such deviations of religious nature as well as accept his role as khalifah that create good rela…