Ancaman terorisme, radikalisme dan ekstremisme kekerasan yang dewasa ini kian kompleks memerlukan pendekatan baru yang lebih inklusif, holistik dan mengedepankan pencegahan daripada perlawanan yang selama ini berparadigma keamanan. Dalam rangka mempromosikan strategi berpendekatan perdamaian positif, buku hasil penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk membantu meningkatkan pemahaman berbasis data terba…
Buku ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keprihatinan terhadap berbagai macam patologi sosial dan degradasi moral yang terjadi pada anak bangsa akhir-akhir ini. Dengan cara memperlihatkan berbagai bentuk praktik terbaik pendidikan karakter berbasis nilai dan tradisi pesantren, buku ini merupakan sumbangsih nyata untuk menyehatkan kehidupan sosial-keagamaan di negeri ini. Pesantren di sini tak hanya be…
In reality, not a few teachers who have been certified as educators are less competent in teaching the field of study. Many teachers are also able to master the subject matter, but they have difficult to present the material. This research applied a qualitative method using a case study design. It was carried out in the State Madrasah schools of Salahutu District, Central Maluku Regency. This…
The Departments of Arabic are established in universities with the aim of raising the standard of Arabic Studies in higher institutions and with the objective of researching into the problems of Arabic language and literature in order to find solutions to them. The purpose of this article is to assess the current state of Arabic in Nigeria and examine the contributions of the Departments of Ara…
The purpose of this study was to describe (1) the compliances and deviations of the principle of cooperation in the speech of Arabian humorous story “Nawadir Juha Li Al-Athfal”, (2) the speech context in the story. This research used descriptive methods with qualitative approach. The focus of this study was the speech of compliances and deviations of cooperation principle which was used in …
This study aimed to discuss the names of judgment day in the Qur'an through cognitive semantic approach and the values of spiritual education. Through the cognitive semantic approach, the conception of meaning to describe the judgment day in the Qur’an was formulated by mapping the meaning resulted from the source domain (Sd) to target domain (Sd). To show and compare references in (Sd) to (T…
Kekerasan terhadap perempuan (istri) yang terjadi di lingkungan keluarga tidak terlepas dari adanya ketimpangan gender yang menjadi salah satu sebab terjadinya KDRT. Di Jawa Tengah, salah satu lembaga yang memiliki konsen dalam penanganan kasus KDRT adalah LRC KJHAM. Pelayanan bimbingan konseling individu dan support group bagi korban KDRT yang diberikan oleh LRC-KJHAM bersifat integral dan men…