This article is aimed to describe: (1) the increase of ability to write in Arabic using the method of Musabaqah Bithaqah Mukhtalithul Kalimah (MBMK), (2) behavior changes on the students after learning to write Arabic using MBMK method. The method is done one the XD students of MAN 1 Yogyakarta. The proceedings of this research are done in two cycles. Every cycle has four stages, namely: planni…
In Arabic learning, al-Ashwat plays an essential role because al-Ashwat or phonetic is a crucial element in every language. If al-Ashwat is not well understood, Arabic proficiency cannot be mastered perfectly. Often there will be a lack of understanding in the language process. So that the communication process will also be hampered. Learning methods are a way or means to present subject matter…
The issue of gender responsiveness become a subject of study that is widely discussed. Discourse about equality of men and women reap many pros and cons from various circles, as the result of social construction differences that affect the perspective of mindset. This article intends to describe the gender responsive value contained in the material of Arabic language learning. Where the materia…
ada tiga kunci pokok untuk membuka gerbang memahami bahasa arab. pertama memahami nahwu dasar. kedua membutuhkan ilmu sharaf dasar. ketiga memiliki tabungan kosa kata terpopuler yang memadai sehingga tidak terlalu sering bergantung kepada kamus. dengan adanya 20 pertemuan, diharapkan pembaca telah mengausai dasar-dasar bahasa arab. setelah itu dengan leluasa pembaca akan mampu mendalami baha…
PAUD menjadi hal vital dalam mendidik generasi masa depan. sebab, menanamkan ilmu diusia dini ibarat mengukir guratan di atas batu, selamanya akan membekas. guru PAUD memiliki tanggung jawab spesial dalam hal ini. mereka diharapkan dapat mengembangkan formulasi pendidikan AUD yang baru, sarat inovasi dan kompetibel dengan perkembangan zaman. namun, banyak kasus, guru masih kesulitan dalam me…