Fikih kebinekaan adalah sebuah rumusan fikih yang berpijak pada fenomena keragaman di masyarakat. Tujuannya untuk memberikan panduan filosofis, teoretis-metodologis dan praksis di kalangan umat Islam Indonesia dalam mendorong hubungan sosial yang harmonis, menghilangkan diskriminasi, memperkuat demokratisasi dan memberikan landasan normatif-religius bagi negara dalam memenuhi hak warga masyarak…
Sebagai generasi penerus bangsa, anak perlu dipersiapkan sejak dini agar kelak menjadi sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas. Orang tua memiliki peranan penting dalam mewujudkan hal ini. Dengan memberikan bekal pendidikan pada anak usia dini maka kesiapan mental, perkebangan jiwa, sosial, emosional, moral dan religius anak dapat terbina. Dalam buku ini akan dijelaskan mengenai program pengembang…
Prinsip perbankan syariah merupakan bagian dari keseluruhan ajaran Islam, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan ekonomi dan muamalah. Pemenuhan prinsip syariat Islam merupakan hal utama yang harus dipenuhi dalam transaksi perbankan syariah. Perbankan syariah secara fungsi sama dengan perbankan konvensional, yaitu sebagai lembaga perantara antara pihak yang surplus dana kepada pihak yang mengalami kek…
Studying in religious institutions is inseparable from the kitab turats, so the ability to read it well is a must for students. This study aims to describe the process of applying the Miftahul Ulum method in Ma'had An-Nur 2 Al-Murtadho and supporting factors in the learning process using the method. This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive approach. Observation, interviews, an…
This literature study aims to explain the prophetical dimension in Khotbah di Atas Bukit novel by Kuntowijoyo. The results of the study found that there is a humanization dimension of the Khotbah di Atas Bukit novel which includes strengthening in assertiveness, a sense of social solidarity, and personality. The dimensions of the liberation of novels on the Khotbah di Atas Bukit novel found inc…
The growth of the Arabic dictionary in Indonesia begins with the emergence of an Arabic dictionary applying morphological systems (nizam sharfi). This system remained to be existed until today, although it was found many weaknesses. Then, it becomes a problem in Arabic learning, especially at the beginner level. Therefore, this article presents the advantages, disadvantages, and implications of…
Contrastive analysis is a linguistic study that aims to describe the equations and differences between two languages and the distinctiveness of each language. The Arabic language is a language that has distinctiveness, privileges, and uniqueness from alphabets, words, sentences, structure, and uslubcompared to other languages. It is also the oldest language in the world. Therefore, the develop…
Aesthetics that studies beauty will decrease in value if it is associated with sensual or worldly pleasures. Conversely, if aesthetics are associated with morals and religion, the value will be even higher. We can find this aesthetic value in works of art such as Arabic literary. Arabic literary that contain the essence of beauty are prose or poetry that is able to invite the reader to draw clo…
This study aimed at developing a science-based Arabic language learning media based on Android mobile. The research method used was Research and Development. Validators included material and media experts, and practitioners. The testing phase included: limited phase I, II, and field trials. The subjects of the trial were students of the Department of Tadris IPA IAIN Salatiga. The data were obta…
This study aims to identify items of character values and methods of their internalization in learning ‘ilm al-ashwat in the Arabic Education Department of UNSIQ Wonosobo. It is a qualitative-descriptive study where data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation from the lecturer of ‘ilm al-ashwat, lecturer of character education, head of sub-section of aca…